Women in Leadership.
Empowering Women to Lead with Confidence and Impact.


Why Women in
Leadership Matters.

The global landscape for gender equality is falling short of its goals. Thrive’s Women in Leadership programme prepares women and the organisation they work for to allow them to step up as empowered leaders.

Critical Statistics.


  • Gender Equality: It could take 140 years to achieve gender equality in leadership.


Women in Management Roles

  • Management Roles: Only 28.2% of management roles are held by women.


Higher Employee Engagement

  • Employee Engagement: Businesses with strong female leadership show 14% higher employee engagement.

Programme Overview.

We show organisations how to set up the whole mindset of the organisation to better enable and promote your female talent. Working from Board level and with every manager, we help you embed the language of inclusivity deep into the rituals of the business.

How Thrive helps to Empower Your Female Leaders:

  • Courageous Conversations: Sharing how to handle challenging situations confidently.
  • Self-Belief and Confidence: Boosting emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Enhancing executive presence.
  • Managing Politics: Navigating organisational politics.
  • Sponsorship: Closing the loop so the business knows how it needs to be better in one or two pivotal game changing ways.

The Thrive Advantage.

  • Holistic Approach: Expert-led group and team instruction, workshops, and coaching.
  • Proven Impact: 41% reduction in negative sentiments and significant career advancements.
  • Inclusive Leadership: Support for gender diversity and sensitivity.

Success Stories “I moved out of my comfort zone and had important conversations leading to a promotion.” – Programme Participant.

Transform your
Leadership journey.